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The Get To Know Ya Book Tag

Writer's picture: Jonah BraelynJonah Braelyn

photo courtesy of pixabay on unsplash

all uncredited photos are courtesy of Goodreads

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to Blonde Girl Writing!

Today, I wanted to do something fun and to do with books, so I found the “get to know ya” book tag and decided to try it out. Amazing writing bloggers like Liesl, Pearl, Bella, and Molly have done this, and it seems super fun so I’m excited to try it out!

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Your Favorite Book of All Time

Eek, this one is so hard! I’m going to have to go with two, A Time To Die and The Warden and the Wolf King from The Wingfeather Saga.

Both of them I have loved, cried over, and reread almost too many times to count. Plus, Andrew Peterson and Nadine Brandes are both incredible authors. I highly recommend both of these books!

Your Favorite Book Five Years Ago

Ha…if only I remembered. I think it might have been Neverseen from Keepers of the Lost Cities, so that’s my answer! 😂

Anyway, Neverseen is really good, but it’s not the first book in the series, so please read books 1-3 in Keeper of the Lost Cities before reading this one. Really, the whole series is great, and Shannon Messenger is a master of suspense and cliffhangers (sometimes unfortunately…).

Your Favorite Duology/Trilogy/Series

image courtesy of getty music worship

Another super hard question!! The first-place winner, however, is the aforementioned Wingfeather Saga. Each book is amazing on its own, but the storyline altogether–along with the Christian-fantasy elements–make this series the best one I’ve ever read!

The Last Book You Read

Since I’ve read a lot of books recently that don’t deserve mentioning here because they were rereads, I’m going to go with the last new book I have read. And that book is The Star That Always Stays! Not only is the cover gorgeous, but this book gives you an interesting look into the early 1900s, and bits and pieces of Ojibwe culture and stories. Norvia was a great and relatable main character, and the problems she struggled with both inside and outside herself are ones I’ve struggled with, too. Overall, The Star That Always Stays is a great book, and Anna’s other book, The Luminous Life of Lucy Landry, was also pretty good.

The Last Book of Poetry You Read

Unfortunately, I don’t read a lot of poetry, so the last book of poetry I read was last year. It was a book of poems from Robert Frost called Robert Frost’s Poems. I had to read it for school, but the poems were still very interesting.

The Book That Most Influenced Your Life

this is what my Bible looks like. image courtesy of Christianbook

Argh…how would you even judge this?!

Fine, my final answer is: the Bible. And yes, it most certainly counts as a book!

My answer is the Bible because this Book has definitely influenced my life. I love reading it to hear God’s voice and see what He’s trying to tell me. Plus it’s full of great stories and valuable information for living a godly life!

A Book That Made You Laugh

Honestly…a lot of books have made me laugh. However, The Wednesday Wars had me laughing a lot, and it’s also a great historical fiction piece about a middle-school boy who is forced to read Shakespeare by his teacher, Mrs. Baker. There’s a lot more to The Wednesday Wars than that, but you should read it for yourself if you want to know more : )

A Book That Made You Cry

Really, there aren’t a lot of books that I’ve cried over. But The Monster In the Hollows, from the Wingfeather Saga, is the first one I think of. The second one would be A Time To Die. I love both of these books and reread them quite often.

A Book You DNF’d

For those of you who don’t know, DNF’d means you did not finish the book. There are quite a few that come to mind but the most recent one would be The Girl Who Looked Beyond the Stars, part of the Sheena Meyer series. It could be that it was simply too young of a book for me, but the plot was kind of boring. I almost finished reading the book, but couldn’t get myself to continue.

A Book You’re Excited For

As for upcoming books I’m excited for, the two would be Ignite by Kara Swanson and The Immortal Abyss by Katherine Briggs! Kara Swanson is simply an amazing author, and I read The Eternity Gate by Katherine Briggs and can’t wait for book two! Plus, both of the covers are gorgeous 🤩


Thanks for reading today, guys! I had so much fun answering these questions, and I hope you learned a little more about me along the way.

Best wishes,


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