Hello, and welcome back to Blonde Girl Writing Blog, where I talk about faith, writing, and reading.
Today I want to talk about why being grateful is not only a good habit to get into, but it’s also healthy for you!
picture courtesy of gabrielle henderson on unsplash
Gratitude takes your focus off the bad.
In life, it can be really easy to focus only on the bad things that happen. Maybe your grades are bad, or you’re always fighting with your parents, or a friend just moved away—there are any number of things that can happen. Of course, there are times when things are just really hard, and it's okay to feel discouraged, sad, or hopeless.
But when you start looking for things to be thankful for, your focus begins to shift away from the bad things and toward all the blessings you have. It can be hard to find good things in hard situations, but think about even the smallest things--like having food to eat or breath in your lungs. Plus, thankfulness leads to more thankfulness.
Gratitude fixes your eyes on God.
As believers, we understand that every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17). Everything we have is from Him.
So when you are grateful for what you have, you’re praising God! Focusing on your blessings also focuses you on God, because you know exactly where those blessings are coming from.
Gratitude has real health benefits!
It might sound crazy, but being grateful can actually lead to better health.
A study by Nancy Digdon and Amy Koble found that those who practice gratitude before bed are proven to sleep better. When you focus on your blessings rather than the bad, it reduces stress and helps your sleep.
Another study by Patrick L. Hill, Mathias Allemand, and Brent W. Roberts found that grateful people are also more likely to make healthier choices! When you’re happy from being grateful, you want to eat better, exercise, etc.
Now that I’ve laid out some benefits of being grateful, I want to give you a few ideas for how you can practice it.
Depending on what works for you, your daily gratitude practice might look something like these:
List out what you’re grateful for in your head. Right after you wake up or right before you go to bed are great times to do this.
Say your gratitude list out loud to yourself.
Tell someone in your life how much you appreciate them.
Write a few things you’re grateful for each day. A journal could be the perfect place to put your lists.
I hope now you can see why gratitude is good! Not only does it make you happier and healthier, but it also focuses your attention back to the One who deserves it.
Now it’s your turn: Do you practice gratitude? If so, what is your favorite method of practicing it?
Best wishes,
~ Jonah