Hello friend! Welcome back to Blonde Girl Writing Blog, where I share about faith, writing, and reading.
I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and I'm sorry! Life has been super hectic lately and I just needed a bit of a break from blogging. But now I'm back and better than ever! So here's a quick life update and a special announcement.
Well, first of all, I started the Author's Conservatory! This is an amazing online college alternative program for people who want to be authors someday. You learn not only how to write well, but also how to start a business to support yourself. I started the first of this month, and already I've learned so much! But, being in the Conservatory and finishing my senior year of high school has made me really busy.
Because I started college, which I have to pay for every month, I also got another job! You might not have known this, but I work fast food about four days a week. Now I also work at a coffee shop on Sundays! It's really nice and it pays a lot, which is nice. I'm basically a broke college student right now, but I'm doing my best! : )
Finally, I've been finishing up my novel, BULLETPROOF! I'm currently at over 68k words, and am just a few chapters away from finishing up the first draft. It's been a process guys, and though I am sad to be nearing the end, I'm also excited to see what will happen next! This has been my main project for nearly two years, so it'll be super rewarding to see it done.
Well, that's been my life for the last couple of months! It's been busy, but I'm so glad that I have to time to be back here with you guys.
Now for my announcement!
Anyone who subscribes to my blog from now until December 1st will receive the PDF of my short story, The Moon Man! If you're curious, here's a little preview of it for you:
There's a rumor that on the full moon of every month, the ocean turns to solid ice for a mere twenty-four hours. They also say that, if you're brave enough, you can walk across the ocean all the way to the moon. It sounds like a fairy tale, but I'm here to tell you that it's absolutely true. I've done it many times. I'm the one who started the rumor, by telling some people of my adventures. They didn't believe me, of course, but that didn't stop them from spreading the word of my craziness. Anyway, the day I found a way to walk to the moon was more like a night—because it was nighttime when I walked across the ocean of ice. I had just been sitting there, enjoying the night breeze, the gentle crash of the waves, and the feeling of water splashing over my feet. It had been a long day of responsibilities, and it felt so good to have some time to myself.
If this fantasy short story sounds interesting to you, why not go ahead to subscribe to my blog? You'll be in the know and receive an email anytime a new post comes out! You can go to the home page of Blonde Girl Writing and scroll to the bottom to subscribe.
Thank you so much for your patience with me! I'm so grateful for my amazing readers, and I'm very glad to be back and blogging for you!
Best wishes,