Hey there! Welcome back to Blonde Girl Writing, where I talk about writing, God, and reading. Today I got tagged for the 'holiday 20 questions' tag by Pearl Christine, so prepare yourself for some off-topic fun!
Link to the original post ~ here
Credit the person who tagged you ~ thanks, Pearl Christine!
Tag one 1-3 more bloggers ~ not sure who to tag, so if you're reading this and you're a blogger, consider yourself tagged!
Alright, let's get to the questions:
When do you consider the holiday season officially started?
If we're talking Thanksgiving...I'd probably say the middle of November. If we're talking Christmas, I'd say as soon as December begins 😉
What’s your favorite thing about winter?
Definitely the colder weather. I live where it is quite hot and/or humid 90% of the year, so winter is a nice respite (once it finally cools down).
What’s your least favorite thing about winter?
Probably the colder weather as well! 😂 Even though I like the temperature change, it's not super fun to be outside unless there's snow or something.
What do you like to do in the snow?
When we have it...probably having snowball fights with my siblings.
What’s your favorite holiday tradition?
Going downtown to see the Christmas tree and lights, getting hot cocoa, and then going home to open presents.
How do you usually celebrate Thanksgiving?
We host my dad's side of the family at my house. We eat lunch and dinner, watch the parade and dog show, talk, and play outside. My cousins, siblings, and I also play our traditional Thanksgiving hide-and-seek game!
How do you usually celebrate Christmas?
My immediate family and I open presents on Christmas Eve, after going downtown and getting hot cocoa. My grandma is usually there as well. On Christmas Day we sleep in, then eat breakfast and open stockings, and have a lunch of Chinese food. Usually before Christmas, we'll visit my dad's side and spend the day eating and opening presents.
What’s your favorite type of pie?
My mom's homemade apple pie, with some vanilla ice cream.
What’s your fave winter / Christmas themed emoji?
I don't think I've ever thought about it...probably this one though ❄️
What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Ah, a hard question. I'd have to go with any version of Carol of the Bells.
Do you have a Christmas tree? If so how do you like to decorate it?
Yup! We have one real Christmas tree decorated with lights, lots of different ornaments that we've gotten over the years, and a star on top! We also have some smaller fake trees scattered about.
What’s one gift you would like to receive for Christmas this year?
I'd love to get a physical copy of The Star That Always Stays by Anna Rose Johnson.
Would you rather host a holiday party or go to someone else’s?
I'd rather go to someone else's holiday party.
What’s your favorite Christmas movie?
It's probably a tie between the Polar Express and Journey To Bethlehem.
What do you like to do on New Year’s Eve?
Hang out at home, eat some yummy snacks, and then celebrate and drink some sparkling cider when the New Year comes!
Have you ever stayed up til midnight?
All the time! It doesn't even have to be New Year's!
Do you believe in New Year’s Resolutions?
Not really, mostly because even if I made one I'd probably fail it 😅
As of now, have you kept any of yours from 2024?
How long do you get off of school for winter break?
Winter break? Don't make me laugh! (Just kidding--usually I get a day or two off, including Christmas Eve and Day.)
Overall, how much do you love the holiday season on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the worst part of the year 10 being absolutely amazing)?
Definitely a 10!! I love the holiday season, though it can get pretty busy and stressful sometimes.
Well, there you have it: my answers to the 'holiday 20 questions' tag!
Let me know below: Pick any question from the tag and answer it! I'd love to hear what you do for the holidays (:
Best wishes,