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The Greatest Story Ever Told | A Poem

Writer's picture: Jonah BraelynJonah Braelyn

my banner for the greatest story ever told poem

There once was a God

That existed before all time

He created the heavens,

And arranged every pine

He dotted the skies

with stars and moons,

And created our home,

Earth, in one afternoon

The Creator made a perfect universe

For us humans to dwell,

And then made Adam and Eve,

The son and daughter of Emmanuel

They lived in the garden,

Happy and full of light

Not once did they feel shame,

Nor were afraid of the night

But among the perfection of Eden,

A snake with malicious intent

Came to Eve and convinced her

Of a lie that twisted and bent

“God has lied,” the snake hissed

To Eve that fateful day

“Take a bite, you won’t die,”

And the daughter obeyed but would pay

Darkness fell among the garden

Just from that one bite,

And sharing the fruit with her husband,

They both fell into fright

Naked and ashamed, they hid from their Maker,

And when He went that evening to walk along,

Their God called out for them to come,

But knew something was wrong

When God listened to their tale and heard of their sin,

He sadly turned away, eyes tear-rimmed

No longer could He, in His goodness, commune,

With those who had sinned

Out of the garden, Adam and Eve went,

Covered in garments of animal skin

And wandered in a cursed wasteland,

As would their long-off kin

But God wasn’t done with humans;

His work had just begun!

Since the beginning, He had a plan

To rescue His wayward son

This plan fulfilled in a miracle babe,

God in human flesh,

Whose life fulfilled the prophecy

Of a tearing of our divisive mesh

Jesus, the people called Him,

The Lord, their Rabbi, the lamb without a spot

Yet He came not to take or to be served,

But to do everything we could not

He lived a perfect life

Us sinful ones had not a chance of,

Sharing hope and love and light to all,

Despite those who insisted He wasn’t from above

Then Jesus was betrayed one day

Into the hands of the angry mob

And yet He did not waver or say a word

Until the work He finished with a sob

Sentenced to death for nothing,

Hung upon a tree,

The Light of the World snuffed out;

No more hope that any could see

But remember, this was God’s plan;

Jesus’ death was not the end!

Three days later our Savior breathed

And death could not offend

Resurrected, now alive,

Enthroned in victory

He appeared to His disciples,

Showing that He’d stolen death’s key!

Then He ascended to heaven,

The place He had come from

But lucky for His followers,

they wouldn’t be left dumb

The Spirit came in tongues of fire

And fell on God’s chosen people,

Anointing them to share the news

From every tower and steeple!

Jesus is alive,

this message still rings true,

He came into this world

For me and for you

We can meet with the infinite God

Face to face like friends,

And experience a love and peace

That to this day, never ends

No matter who you are,

Or what you think you’ve done,

Before you were even born,

God knew you weren’t too far gone

There’s freedom for the taking,

Jesus is life forevermore!

And it started with a fragile baby,

Son of God and man, who opened up the door

Learn of a Savior

Who embraces everyone

Every race, gender, and sinner,

Every daughter, every son

Give your life to Jesus,

And He will set you free!

He says, “Come one, come all, come weary,

Come all of you, to Me.”


I hope this poem--the Greatest Story Ever Told--has encouraged and inspired you, friend. Our God is so good, and we have a Savior who died for every single person to ever exist. That includes you.

Also, it's still not too late to take my blog survey! Everyone who fills this form out will be entered in a raffle to win a custom graphic! Make sure to take the survey by August 13th to qualify.

Best wishes,


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